Unity3D Game Engine

Unity3D is a popular cross-platform game engine used to create 3D and 2D games and other interactive applications. It provides developers with tools for physics simulation, animation, rendering, audio, and networking, and supports multiple programming languages. Its cross-platform capabilities make it a popular choice for indie developers and large game development companies.

Unity Projects

OctaviCopter - Hear I Am. A multi-sensory VR ear training application which will take you on a journey of sight,  sound and touch - leading you to a destination where you can confidently recognize tones.

OctaviCopter - Hear I Am

Capstone Project - Fall 2022

A multi-sensory VR ear training application which will take you on a journey of sight, sound and touch - leading you to a destination where you can confidently recognize tones.

Kart Spezial. A Unity Project. Collisions and triggers combined with customized unlit shaders for the rainbow track.Go ahead and give it a try!Be careful, though - it's difficult! (And don't forget your sunglasses!)

Kart Spezial

Special Assignment - Summer 2022

Collisions and triggers combined with customized unlit shaders for the rainbow track.
Go ahead and give it a try!
Be careful, though - it's difficult!
(And don't forget your sunglasses!)

Dynamic Composition. A Unity Project. Combining Bolt and VFX-Graphs to create this dynamic composition. Based on the frequency bands, I’m arranging the radius, intensity and gravity in response to real-time music.‍(Modular synthesized music by MaejorMinor)

Dynamic Composition

Just for Fun - Summer 2022

Combining Bolt and VFX-Graphs to create this dynamic composition. Based on the frequency bands, I’m arranging the radius, intensity and gravity in response to real-time music.

(Modular synthesized music by MaejorMinor)

Chicken Jokes and Techno Texture.
A Unity Project. Implementing API WebRequest to generate Chuck Norris Jokes, creating 3D Assets and refactoring the Code Base of a given Tower Defense Template.

ChickenJokes & TextureTechno

Midterm Project - Summer 2022

Implementing API WebRequest to generate Chuck Norris Jokes, creating 3D Assets and refactoring the Code Base of a given Tower Defense Template.

Harmonic Motion. Unity Homework. The 2 spheres are using the same script (one to the left, one to the right) based on harmonic oscillation to create a pendulum-like pattern. The camera's movement is controlled using Unity's Animation Controller.

Harmonic Motion

Homework - Spring 2022

The 2 spheres are using the same script (one to the left, one to the right) based on harmonic oscillation to create a pendulum-like pattern.
The camera's movement is controlled using Unity's Animation Controller.

Musical Runes. A Unity Project. 
A fully functional memory game called which requires custom behaviors,power-ups, and data persistence - important concepts about programming for Unity using C#.

Musical Runes

Bootcamp - Spring 2022

A fully functional memory game called which requires custom behaviors,
power-ups, and data persistence - important concepts about programming for Unity using C#.

Plinko. A Unity Project. Collision and triggers with Plinko. After assigning value to the pins to compute the score of the round - all that's missing is some post-processing bloom to let it shine.


Homework - Summer 2022

Collision and triggers with Plinko. After assigning value to the pins to compute the score of the round - all that's missing is some post-processing bloom to let it shine.

Snow Shader. A Unity Project. For the snow flakes I used Unity's Partical System, for the snow tracks I used HLSL. This can be used for footprints on the sand, too, for example. (Leaned on PeerPlay)

Snow Shader

Just for Fun - Winter 2021

For the snow flakes I used Unity's Partical System, for the snow tracks I used HLSL. This can be used for footprints on the sand, too, for example. (Leaned on PeerPlay)

Candid learning. A Unity Project. The moment your teacher turnsyour question into art - you got the key?!In Between Dot, Unity's Player Prefs and serializing data to JSON.

Fail Art

In Between - Spring 2022

The moment your teacher turns
your question into art -
you got the key?!

In Between Dot, Unity's Player Prefs and serializing data to JSON.

Shader Click. A Unity Project. Because we are not accessing a 3D Object, a C# script is needed which returns a ray going from the camera through a screen point to get this wobble activated.

Shader Click

Freestyle - Summer 2022

Because we are not accessing a 3D Object, a C# script is needed which returns a ray going from the camera through a screen point to get this wobble activated.

Magic Flower. A Blender for Unity Composition. A simple flower, created in Blender for Unity with standard settings inside the VFX-Graph - almost out of the box.Beautiful!

Magic Flower

Freestyle - Summer 2022

A simple flower, created in Blender for Unity with standard settings inside the VFX-Graph - almost out of the box.

Magic Flower. VFX-Graph. A Unity Project. Exploring and playing around with the Unity VFX-Shader-Graph.It was a wonderful Saturday lab with a slight sense of fairy tale magic.

Fairy Tale - VFX-Graph

During Class - Spring 2022

Exploring and playing around with the Unity VFX-Shader-Graph.
It was a wonderful Saturday lab with a slight sense of fairy tale magic.

DieModerneReihe. A Unity Project. Back in late 2020, I took a look in the book 'Drawing on the right side of the brain' and the challenge here is to turn the model around and start painting, piece by piece. By magic, all the sudden, things will come together. Well, I haven't laughed as much, giving this magic trick a go. What is happening to this legs? Each and every single one of them - a masterpiece by itself!

Der Moderne Reiter

Die Moderne Reihe - Summer 2021

Back in late 2020, I took a look in the book 'Drawing on the right side of the brain' and the challenge here is to turn the model around and start painting, piece by piece. By magic, all the sudden, things will come together. Well, I haven't laughed as much, giving this magic trick a go. What is happening to this legs? Each and every single one of them - a masterpiece by itself!

DieModerneReihe. A Unity Project. Some months later, in the beginning of my XR tutorial career, I found Freya Holmer and because of her, shaders were more less the first thing I touched. Instead of a random pic and because I really enjoyed my magic drawing skills, I took one of my pictures to follow along. Understanding that I am manipulating the pixels with sinus without even hitting 'play' did blow my mind. I was hooked!

Das Moderne Haus

Die Moderne Reihe - Summer 2021

Some months later, in the beginning of my XR tutorial career, I found Freya Holmer. She is the reason, shaders were more less the first thing I touched. Instead of a random pic and because I really enjoyed my magic drawing skills, I took one of my pictures to follow along. Understanding that I am manipulating the pixels with sinus without even hitting 'play' did blow my mind. I was hooked!

DieModerneReihe. A Unity Project. While preparing my art to mint, I thought, I cutted the pics wrong and now I have to do it all over again but I didn't. Controlled by magic, my heads don't fit in the frame. Looks like they need to kept open. Sometimes it is not in our hands, is it?

Der Moderne Denker

Die Moderne Reihe - Summer 2021

While preparing my art to mint, I thought, I cutted the pics wrong. Bummer! I have to do it all over again but I didn't. Controlled by magic, my heads don't fit in the frame. Sometimes it is not in our hands, is it?


Explore Your Excitement - Wissenschaft and Action for the Next Transformation

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